Sunday, 29 April 2012

background color experimentation using one structure

I experimented a little bit more with the color using particular structure just to check out how color affects a particular structure.
So this image doesn't look too bad, but the contrast is so strong that it irritates person's eyes, and blue color seems to be way too bight.

 This image looks slightly better, but blue (right bottom corner) is still bright and annoying.

 I quite like this image above because it has a reasonably good contrast and doesn't hurt the eyes.

 The image above is probably one of the worst examples of using color. Pink is really bright and it looks just horrible.

I find three examples above quite nice, they look nice and catch an eye. I particularly like the white background. It's really simple but I think it makes my structure look like a grid, while pink and grey background highlight the points of connection between the shapes and the fact that little crosses can be seen quite well ruins that nice feeling of a structure as a whole.

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