Monday, 30 April 2012

Final hand in

These picture represent the development wich I hv chosen as my final hand in. So I chose my final 8 images out of these. Here is also my final code.

 noise :  int ran = 0

 noise :  int ran =1

 noise :  int ran =2

 noise :  int ran =3

noise :  int ran =5
 noise :  int ran = 10

 noise :  int ran = 25

noise :  int ran =50
 noise :  int ran = 100

noise :  int ran = 200

int x = 55;
int y = 55;
int w1 = 10;
int w2 = -100;
int w2a = 100;
int h1 = -10;
int h2 = 10;
int h2a = -100;

void setup()
  size(1020, 1020);
  int i=0;
  while (i<200)
    int xoffset = i*85;
    int j=0;
      int yoffset = j*85;
      float r = 255-j*i*2;
      float g = 255-j*i*2;
      float b = 255;
      fill (r, g, b);
       float r = random(77,170);
      float g = random(21,135);
      float b = random(12,77);
      fill (r, g, b);
      /*color from = color(77, 21, 12);
      color to = color(170, 135, 77);
      color interA = lerpColor(from, to, random(0.0, 1.0));
      int ran  = 0;

       float r1 = random(-ran,+ran);
       float r2 = random(-ran,+ran);

      vertex(xoffset + x  +r1  , y + yoffset+h1  +r2  );//1
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+(w2/2)-(w2a/2)  +r1  , yoffset+ y+h1+h2/2-(h2a/2)  +r2  );//2
      r1 = random(-ran,+ran);
      r2 = random(-ran,+ran);
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1  +r1  , y+yoffset+random(-ran,+ran)  +r2  );//3
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+w2  +r1  , y+yoffset+random(-ran,+ran)  +r2  );//4
      r1 = random(-ran,+ran);
      r2 = random(-ran,+ran);
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+(w2/2)+(w2a/2)  +r1  , y+h1+h2/2-(h2a/2)+yoffset+random(-ran,+ran)  +r2  );//5
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1*2+w2  +r1  , y+h1+yoffset+random(-ran,+ran)  +r2  );//6
      r1 = random(-ran,+ran);
      r2 = random(-ran,+ran);
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1*2+w2  +r1  , y+h1+h2+yoffset+random(-ran,+ran)  +r2  );//7
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+(w2/2)+(w2a/2)  +r1  , y+h1+h2/2+(h2a/2)+yoffset +random(-ran,+ran)  +r2  );//8
      r1 = random(-ran,+ran);
      r2 = random(-ran,+ran);
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+w2  +r1  , y+h1*2+h2 +yoffset+random(-ran,+ran)  +r2  );//9
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1  +r1  , y+h1*2+h2 +yoffset+random(-ran,+ran)  +r2  );//10
      r1 = random(-ran,+ran);
      r2 = random(-ran,+ran);
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+(w2/2)-(w2a/2)  +r1  , y+h1+h2/2+(h2a/2) +yoffset+random(-ran,+ran)  +r2  );//11
      vertex(xoffset + x  +r1  , y+h1+h2 +yoffset+random(-ran,+ran)  +r2  );//12
      vertex(xoffset + x+random(-ran,+ran), y + yoffset+h1+random(-ran,+ran));//1
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+(w2/2)-(w2a/2)+random(-ran,+ran), yoffset+ y+h1+h2/2-(h2a/2)+random(-ran,+ran));//2
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+random(-ran,+ran), y+yoffset+random(-ran,+ran));//3
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+w2+random(-ran,+ran), y+yoffset+random(-ran,+ran));//4
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+(w2/2)+(w2a/2)+random(-ran,+ran), y+h1+h2/2-(h2a/2)+yoffset+random(-ran,+ran));//5
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1*2+w2+random(-ran,+ran), y+h1+yoffset+random(-ran,+ran));//6
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1*2+w2+random(-ran,+ran), y+h1+h2+yoffset+random(-ran,+ran));//7
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+(w2/2)+(w2a/2)+random(-ran,+ran), y+h1+h2/2+(h2a/2)+yoffset +random(-ran,+ran));//8
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+w2+random(-ran,+ran), y+h1*2+h2 +yoffset+random(-ran,+ran));//9
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+random(-ran,+ran), y+h1*2+h2 +yoffset+random(-ran,+ran) );//10
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+(w2/2)-(w2a/2)+random(-ran,+ran), y+h1+h2/2+(h2a/2) +yoffset+random(-ran,+ran) );//11
      vertex(xoffset + x+random(-ran,+ran), y+h1+h2 +yoffset+random(-ran,+ran));//12
      vertex(xoffset + x, y + yoffset+h1);//1
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+(w2/2)-(w2a/2), yoffset+ y+h1+h2/2-(h2a/2));//2
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1, y+yoffset);//3
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+w2, y+yoffset);//4
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+(w2/2)+(w2a/2), y+h1+h2/2-(h2a/2)+yoffset);//5
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1*2+w2, y+h1+yoffset);//6
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1*2+w2, y+h1+h2+yoffset);//7
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+(w2/2)+(w2a/2), y+h1+h2/2+(h2a/2)+yoffset );//8
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+w2, y+h1*2+h2 +yoffset);//9
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1, y+h1*2+h2 +yoffset );//10
      vertex(xoffset + x+w1+(w2/2)-(w2a/2), y+h1+h2/2+(h2a/2) +yoffset );//11
      vertex(xoffset + x, y+h1+h2 +yoffset);//12


void draw()

void mousePressed (){
  save (selectOutput()+".png");

Stroke changing

While choosing my final I was choosing between these images and the ones which became my final hand in. I think this development is quite strong and really did have a potential to become my final. Changing a strokeweight is very simple, but it provides an amazing result. I really like how on the last couple of images the negative space makes up new shapes and it completely ruins the structure but at the same time kin of gives a feeling of a new structure apearing on the picture, even though it is still quite noisy.

 noise :  int ran = 0

 noise :  int ran = 10

 noise :  int ran = 20

 noise :  int ran =25

 noise :  int ran =30

 noise :  int ran =35

 noise :  int ran = 40

 noise :  int ran =45

 noise :  int ran = 50

 noise :  int ran =55

noise :  int ran = 60

noise :  int ran = 100

Lerp color function

While working on my project I learned how to use a lerp color function and I find it pretty cool and useful, so I just wanted to have a piece of coding for this so I could always look at my blog and refresh in mind how it works.

color from = color(77, 21, 12);
      color to = color(170, 135, 77);
      color interA = lerpColor(from, to, random(0.0, 1.0));

More experimentation with shapes and colors

I have done some more experimentation with shape and color. I quite like the very bottom picture. The color matching pleases my eyes. However green crosses and blue background is the worst color choice. Hurts eyes and looks bad too.



I really like this series of images. I find it really awesome how I got such a crazy noisy "broken glass" picture out of  perfectly structured little squares by just changing one number.

 noise :  int ran = 0

 noise :  int ran =1

 noise :  int ran =2

 noise :  int ran =3

 noise :  int ran =4

noise :  int ran =5

 noise :  int ran = 10

 noise :  int ran = 20

 noise :  int ran = 30

noise :  int ran = 50

noise :  int ran = 100


 noise :  int ran = 0

 noise :  int ran =1

 noise :  int ran =2

 noise :  int ran =3

 noise :  int ran =4

 noise :  int ran =5

 noise :  int ran =6

 noise :  int ran =7

 noise :  int ran =8

noise :  int ran =9
noise :  int ran =10
 noise :  int ran =11

 noise :  int ran =12

 noise :  int ran =13

 noise :  int ran =14

 noise :  int ran =15

 noise :  int ran =20

 noise :  int ran =25

 noise :  int ran = 30

 noise :  int ran =35

noise :  int ran = 40
 noise :  int ran = 90