Thursday, 24 May 2012


I was jst sittting in front of my laptop, trying to learn and understand processing, so I was just playing around with position and size of the objectand suddenly made somethinng that i really like.
Even though it is not an interaction yet, i moved from the direct control onto the next stage.

mousePressed != true

mousePressed == true


double mirror

quite a cool thing=) fun to play with

Moving onto loops and arrays!!!

I like the crazy little star that I got and the way it moves, bt because of flashing it goves me headache. So I should probably get rid of it.

Now something is going on on the screen even if tghe button is not pressed

Thursday, 17 May 2012

My interactive application development
First scetch
Developed version. Now my string goes back to it's original position. Plus I made it more stulish
Now I made my string move slower when it's pulled, but now it moves much slower

Friday, 11 May 2012

"The impossible game" Project 3 (Interactive mouse toy) inspiration

The first thing that came into my mind after reading the project 3 outline was "The impossible game". I know this is a game, not an interaction, but I think it's a great example of how really simple thing can be really interesting and fun to play with, which proves that something interesting and amazing doesn't mean something complex. I probably should tell a little bit about the game itself. "The impossible game" is an i-pod application. Basically the rules are you touch the screen at the right moment. When you touch the screen, the little cube jums over the obstacles and if you don't do it at the right moment it explodes and you start the level from the very begining.
Also what I love about this game is that the cube is supposed to jump to the beat, so the music is used to help to get the right moment

And just to show you what happens if you fail.